Thursday, November 10, 2011

The one where I get shots...

Yesterday I got all of my shots for Africa... including a shot I was pretty certain I would not get this season (flu shot). Before going into the doctor at Vandy, I had to call my doctor (that I've seen one time) in NJ to get a list of all the shots I have already had and the dates that I had them. The conversation went something like this:

Me: "Hi, I'm not sure if you're my doctor, but if you are can you tell me what shots I've had?"
Doctor: "Sure, let me get your chart."
Then, she starts reading off all of the shots and dates...
Me: "Wait... April 23, 2011? I don't think I was home then..."
Doctor: "Oh wait, what's your name? Sorry.. I'm reading the wrong chart."

So, I'm still not 100% positive that I got all of the right shots, but I'm pretty confident that a flu shot, hepatitis A shot, and typhoid shot was all that my poor arms could handle in one day. 

All that I have left to do is get a criminal background check... good thing my name isn't Stephan Garcia. 


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