Monday, January 23, 2012

Highlights from the trip to Cape Town

1. Going on a trip to Robben Island where every person on my tour felt the need to take a picture of/with every single thing and then also video tape everything with running commentary (ie. "This is the bucket where Nelson Mandela disposed of excrement).

2. When a man hit on my friend Sarah by saying, "I thought you were pretty until you opened your mouth... but can I still have your number?" (She has a pretty thick Australian accent.. but it's cute!)

3. Going on a bike ride that our tour guide told us was going to be 46km and ended up being 5km. 

4. When the seal man at the seal colony slapped a baby seal and it rolled down the rocks.

5. Seeing a penguin that had poop all over his chest just standing there looking sad and ashamed. 

6. Hearing the story of how Terese was pick pocketed getting into the last cab of the night, but the man only stole her concealer. 

Annnnnd my highlight of the day today.. 

When a child threw a half eaten chicken foot at me... That's a first! 

Great times!  

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