Friday, January 13, 2012

Unpack and Repack my Bags

Today I spent the whole day in London! I went to the Burough market and had a duck sandwhich and I went to Buckingham Palace to see if I could spot any royalty! (no such luck)... I feel like I essentially spent 50 £ to eat a duck sandwhich.

Yesterday when I was going through security in Newark I realized that I put all of the scissors that I planned on donating in my carry-on (genius).. In the US the conversation went something like this:
"Oh, you have seven pair of scissors? That's cool! Get right on"... "oh, but wait, you're shirt is sequined so we're going to have to pat you down anyway.."
.. Makes no sense

In London the conversation went more like this:
"Whhhattt.. this girl has seven pair of scissors!!"
"Excuse me maam.. can you empty the contents of your bag"
I shamefully empty my entire bag of school supplies while the security man calls me a weirdo and everyone stares (because seriously who carries on a whole bag of school supplies except maybe a creeper)...
After I'm done emptying my whole bag the man goes, "Oh, okay, you can keep the scissors... and have fun putting your bag back together!" and then walks away...

Lucky for me childrens scissors are barely sharp enough to cut paper let alone cause a puncture wound!

One more flight until Africa!

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