Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 2 highlights

1. Watching four chickens be slaughtered at the orphanage. It was the South African version of an assembly.

2. Going on a safari in the Fairy Glen reserve! I saw lions, zebras (including a baby!), a random donkey, disgusting ostriches, buffalo, elephants, and rhino! The giraffes died a few years ago =(.

3. Hearing about the poor rhinos.
In December a poacher went onto the reserve and cut their horns off. Apparently a rhino horn is worth 65,000 dollars per kilo of horn. The rhinos were left to die, but luckily were found by park rangers the following day. Out of over 300 rhinos that were poached in early December, these are the only two survivors. Both of them are blind and defenseless =(. It was really sad to see.

4. Eating off of a giant plate of meat at Mzoli's in the Gugulethu township! I also got to see where they prepare the meat - It's basically a meat sauna and it was like heaven.

5. Going to the Methodist Church of South Africa. It reminded me of Sister Act =).

I'm excited for the week ahead!

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